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Thanks to the permanent process that can be applied to the eyelid every day, you no longer need to draw eyeliner or renew your line all day long, with or without make-up, with or without a transition, according to your preference.


How to Make Permanent Eyeliner

After deciding on an eyeliner line according to the personal wishes and needs of the person, permanent eyeliner paints are prepared. The special permanent eyeliner pen is first dipped in these dyes, and then the sample is passed over the permanent eyeliner line and permanent eyeliner dyes are injected. At this point, it is worth mentioning that an effective local anesthetic cream is applied to the eyelid just before the application, so that the person does not face any pain during the injection. After the injection process is completed, the permanent eyeliner process is also completed. The operation takes about half an hour to 1 hour.

Permanent Eyeliner Advantages

Permanent eyeliner application, which puts an end to the trouble of drawing daily eyeliner, is one of the most preferred permanent makeup applications after eyebrow makeup and design. Permanent eyeliner, which allows you to save time while doing your daily make-up, also makes it very easy to draw long-tailed eyeliner on special occasions. It has a permanence in the range of 1.5 - 2 years.

Considerations Before and After the Application

Kalıcı makyaj I Permanent makeup I eyeliner treatment

Before applying permanent eyeliner, take care to get tested against the risk of allergy. Otherwise, you may run the risk of experiencing an allergic reaction in your eye and face area. Before the permanent eyeliner application, your permanent make-up specialist will apply to certain areas to determine whether you will have an allergic reaction and may cancel the permanent eyeliner application depending on the result. Although permanent eyeliner paint is prepared with natural color pigments, it may cause allergic reactions in some sensitive bodies.

Swelling, redness and bruising after permanent eyeliner is a normal condition. For; It should be taken into account that the eye area is sensitive. Anesthetic creams used during the application, one of the conditions that may occur after the operation is slight pain and ache. 

for 24 hours eyelashWe also need to say that the  region should not come into contact with water. In the first 2 weeks, you should be careful not to take a hot shower, not to go to the sauna and hammam, not to go to the pool and the sea. You may notice small black flakes falling from your eyelashes for a few days after permanent eyeliner.

Eyeliner application is usually expected to heal within 3 to 7 days. However, a thicker eyeliner application may take 7 to 10 days to heal.

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